Movember Run
Let's change the face of Men`s health
Movember 2024
Join us this Movember as we raise awareness about men's issues that often go unnoticed in society. Each of us has the power to make a difference, whether it's by educating ourselves, sharing knowledge, or taking action. I’m committed to inspiring others to join this important cause. Together, we can create a healthier future for men everywhere.
Movember is an annual event involving the growing of mustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men's health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men's health and suicide.
هر سال در ماه نوامبر میلادی
مردان با نتراشیدن سبیل خود، قصد یادآوری
و افزایش آگاهی در رابطه با سلامت مردان میکنند.
شکلاتی مانند سرطان پروستات، سرطان بیضه،
خودکشی و سلامت روان
Movember Run
Join me in the Movember Run, a unique and powerful way to raise awareness of men's health issues. Each run tells a different story, and this time it's all about growth awareness. Together, we can spread the word about the importance of taking care of ourselves and our loved ones. Don't miss this chance to be part of an inspiring movement.
هر دوینی داستانی داره.
این بار برای رشد آگاهی از سلامت مردان دویدم.
در کنار هم برای مراقبت از خودم و اطرافیانم